
Showing posts from June, 2019

Don't Worry, BE HAPPY!!!!

                                    Don't Worry Be Happy                                                                       Noah Olson A title of a song that you all might know. Many tell you "oh don't worry, just be happy and everything will be ok." Something easier said than done. I want to look at how we as Christians can rejoice and how we can live a life of less worry. Notice I said less worry. We probably won't ever be free from worry until we gain Heaven, but today the goal of this devotional is to simply understand that we don't have to put our trust in the world but to God.        Firstly, to have a life of less worry and stress, we need understand that God will be with us and take care of us. Look at what Jesus had to say in Matthew 6:25-34. He is simply explaining to us that we need not worry, for God will be with us. Still easy to tell, hard to do. God will be with us for nothing can separate the love of God from us (Romans 8:38-39). We